Thursday, 21 October 2010

Creating the Ear

To create the first I went back into the Adobe Photoshop topology file and added in the topology lines for the ear. Then back in 3DS Max the same technique was used to create the face with splines to match the ear topology. Once all the quads were traced they were converted to editable polys and attached to each other then welded. The vertices were then manipulated into the correct place. Symmetry and turbo smooth modifiers were added to mirror the ear on the other side of the face and to smooth it over. Finally some more definition was added to the ear as the turbo smooth modifier smoothed the detail over and the back and thickness of the ear were adjusted.

The trickiest part of this process was to stitch the ear onto the head. As the number of vertices on the head had to match the number of vertices on the ear where it would join the head a number of polygons had to be adjusted and redrawn. Once done it was a case of attaching the ear to the head using the attach tool. Then using the snap-to-grid tool to join and weld tool the vertices were connected together. I felt that the way the ear was made in Eric Maslowski’s tutorial made the ear creation over complicated by using subdivision and isolation mode. It was not needed when creating the ear for this model and still gave a nice result.

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